Matériel d'action

De AG_Lille1
Révision datée du 11 février 2009 à 12:41 par Ysecq (discussion | contributions) (Matériel d'action électronique)
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Vous pourrez trouver ci-dessous différentes ressources pour vous aider à organiser des manifestations ou pour informer le public sur les raisons de votre implication.

Pour les manifestations

Evaluation par la présidence

Un tract regroupant les idées de l'opération : PNG / Sources:SVG (attention, polices non incluses !) nouveau

Matériel d'action électronique

Documents à faire circuler

  • La LRU expliquée par les 'têtes à claques', document créé par des collègues de L'USTL à l'automne 2007, mais malheureusement encore d'actualité !! La_LRU_mon_ami.pdf
  • Discours commenté de Nicolas Sarkozy le 22 janvier sur l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche. La vidéo sur Youtube
  • Plus généralement voir la page Liens

Texte de message à renvoyer à toute requête professionnelle par courriel

  • en français

l'assemblée générale des personnels de Lille 1 a décidé la grève
totale pour au moins toute la semaine. Étant inscrit dans ce mouvement,
je répondrai après la fin du mouvement de grève.

Pour plus d'informations sur

  • en anglais
Dear ......,

I am sorry to inform you that I am currently not able to deal with your request. 
The reason is my active involvement in an open-ended strike against our government
declared by academics  all over France, that currently is my priority. 
Let me now briefly sketch the background.

The public French university system is internationnaly recognized for education 
and research of high quality.  It has always enjoyed independence, liberty and recognition.
But, within the past few months, our  government has decided, brutally and ignoring
criticism from even the country's most renown scientists,  to end this system and 
replace it by some  sort of marketplace model of research where arbitrary decisions 
and instability prevail.

May I ask you to increase the pressure on our government 
by signing the following petition?
  • An other proposal
Dear international partners, Dear colleagues, Dear friends. 

As you probably heared, French Universities started an "unlimited" strike on february 2nd 2009. 
During this unforeseen strike, many general assembly of lecturers and staff decided:
- not returning marked papers to students and/or 
- stop classes and/or 
- stop research work and administrative tasks...  
Many decision were taken by University Management board (CA), Scientific Council (CS), 
and Student affairs and university life council (CEVU) to protest against: 
- University budget cuts and job cuts 
- Reform concerning the way school teachers are trained 
- Change to lecturer's professional status 
All this information is available on line. You can browse our Google Maps 
and find a more detailed list of information too.
We also ask for your support in signing our international call.

Best regards 
-French Universities on strike against government higher education reform
Google Maps of University  strike:
Detailed list:
Sign our international call:

Texte à envoyer aux éditeurs vous sollicitant pour relire des articles

Dear Editor,

In a recent address to the Nation, our president N. Sarkozy has qualified the University peer review system as a "comfortable" and "easy going" evaluation system leading to self-satisfaction of involved parties. Hence, many scientists in France now feel they are not legitimate anymore to review or evaluate other colleagues work. Until the issue is resolved, I suggest you transfer your review request to our french President Nicolas Sarkozy who will most probably be able to provide you with an honest and accurate evaluation of this paper. I sincerely apologize for the "mediocre" quality of the science in France (stating our president N. Sarkozy again) and hope we can get back to higher standards soon.

In the meantime, I'm afraid my opinion as no value and hence I can't suggest any potential reviewer.
